Sunday, August 10, 2014


It's funny, since I started to live a more healthy life and care more about how I feel and look, I observe other people more closely. Like the other day I saw this woman with arms the size of my thighs, and thought, thank somebody it's not me.

But I also see people younger, more good-looking and skinnier than me, and I realize we all have flaws. Like I didn't before. And I'm honest. I've always been a bit ignorant of both myself and other people, but now (guess I have more time on my hands) I observe, notice and not exactly judge but have an opinion.

Mind you, I'm a grown-up and keep it to myself. Well, I hope to keep my mouth shut. It would be the polite thing to do.

PS. Today a "friend" told me that he thought I lost 12-15 kg's. Fuck him! Well, not literally of course, but how fat was I looking to others before? Not a good feeling. Makes me wanna go even further. Unless of course I'm invited for a second round of Toblerone mousse again...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe he was exaggerating because he thought it was a good thing to have lost a lot of weight and he thought it would be offensive to say he thought you 'only' lost, for example, 5 kilos?
although why you'd even try guessing a number is beyond me, men!