Saturday, August 23, 2014

Toilet haste

I went to a street party today with my neighbours. It's a party, organized by some thrifty people at our street. I know they've done it for many years, but I haven't been there before.

And even though "my" street is not very long, the house numbers go to 96 but all of them are houses with more than one family. I.e. there are thousands of people living just at "my" street.

Not all of them showed up though, and I must admit when the rain started I quit too. However, it was nice as long as it lasted and I very much appreciated the little stickers where you wrote your name and your street number. Annika 20! Yes I very much enjoyed that. Instead of all the Fritz's and Heinz's 80 and 88.

When I decided to leave (yes, was dressed too lightly and didn't want to admit it, was freezing) I realized I had "toilet haste". This is a Finnish expression for when you are in dire need of a toilet, fast! Omg. I walked faster than I probably had in my life.

It reminded me of a bus trip to some party or back from a party decades back, I remember having an urgent need too. Then I managed to hold it, until we stopped.

Tonight I barely managed, it was so close! In fact, I think it might've been a drop or two coming out before I reached the toilet. Yeah, I so look forward to diapers again. NOT!

But I rather wash underwear than having a pee in public in the street where I live. Imagine the shame! "There she goes, the one who couldn't hold it". I much rather be known for the person "oh, you're the one with the purple windows!".

Whichever case, I'm not completely like other people. And that I am proud of.

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