Monday, August 11, 2014

Saving school V - don't eat out

I like food and drinks. A lot. And maybe it's because I had lots of opportunities in my working life to eat and drink on somebody else's credit card, that I now much more enjoy eating at home.

But seriously, I used to know somebody who had a Starbucks coffee every day. Six francs a day times every working day becomes over a thousand francs a year. Buying food in a canteen or getting a prepared salad or similar from a food shop, adds up. Plus, it's less healthy than bringing your own.

I know, I feel a bit like I'm pointing a finger now, since I didn't used to do that myself, but hey, this is saving school.

And, as I found out, it's not that difficult to cook yourself, and prepare lunch boxes. And, if you ask me, it tastes a hell of a lot better.

Mind you, I don't think that people should never enjoy a dinner in a restaurant, but personally I would much rather save on daily eating business and go for a fab dinner once in a while when I felt I needed a treat, rather than the usual take-out when I'm too tired to care.

Reminds me of the time I was living in Holland, and a colleague and I had an agreement. Every time he got a bonus he invited me to an at least one star Guide Michelin dinner, and when I got a bonus I did the same for him.

So good times and good memories, but those times should be precious. And hopefully I will with time become a good cook, and be able to provide some gorgeous food to my friends. At home :).


Anonymous said...

people pay 6 francs for a coffee??!!


Witchbitch said...

They do in Starbucks.