Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hovering in Zürich

Today I spent the day at the lake with a group of people I didn't know before. Well, apart from the friends who invited me.

It was very interesting. They had a sign with a website so that people knew where to gather, and lots of them did. All bringing more food than they needed, so in the end there were leftovers enough for a smaller army.

Funny was when two police guys on bikes stopped by, saying that it wasn't allowed to have a sign propped up against the tree. After a brief conversation, the organizer said he'd take it down momentarily. Then the police man responded "you know, it's not illegal, it's just forbidden", smiling and biking away. You gotta love Switzerland. It's not allowed, but it's also not very forbidden. A bit like my life jackets I guess.

After some hours in the hot, hot sun i decided I needed to powder my nose, as well as wash my hands and my face. I don't like to say I was sweating like a pig, but I was. And then I came across these toilets. How clever is not that? A huge metal bowl with a ring you can pull down if need be (luckily my legs are very strong these days so I can hover), and hey! Not a big deal having no washbasin. There is a lake like 10 meters from the bathroom.


Anonymous said...

I thought those toilets had sinks?

How ridiculous, no propping signs on tree?!!


Witchbitch said...

No sink. I know, ze Swiss have funny rules.

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear: the toilet bowl also props as a washbin. They have buttons just at the side to get a stream of water flowing and soap is of course available as well.
That is not a sign of Swiss weirdness, but of Swiss ingenuity, it is clean and saves money and resources without having to degrade the quality :)

Witchbitch said...

Oh really! I totally didn't get that.