Monday, August 25, 2014

I'm a reader

I love books. So much that I'm walking and reading. Books, not with my nose in an ipad or smartphone. Paper books. I read while having a dump on the toilet. I read when travelling whether it is on a bus, tram, train and an aeroplane. I read while waiting in a queue in a store or at an ATM. I read while sitting in a restaurant waiting for my order to be delivered (ok, only when I'm on my own, I'm not antisocial). I read in bed before going to sleep. And I can spend hours in a book shop, unlike in a clothes shop where I seem to get backpain after five minutes for some reason.

So today was a day of joy. I got sent a package from my aunt. With four books!

It took the good part of the afternoon to finish the "analphabet who could count". And I still have three to go! It's a joyous time.

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