Monday, August 04, 2014

Saving school IV - don't drive

If there is one advice I could give that would save you more money than anything else, it's don't get a car. A car is costing you more than you think. I still remember that finance class I had way, way back when the teacher made us calculate the cost of getting a new car every three years, versus getting a new car and keeping it until it broke down.

The breaking down car was way cheaper than getting a new one, and since status has never been one of my fortes I have saved a lot through that. Mostly by never having a car at all.

Some people would now raise their hand and say, "hey, you've got a boat", but let me tell you it's nothing like a car. I spend about 40 francs a year on petrol, the insurance is cheaper than a car and I bought the boat with cash, I don't have a mortgage which most people do on a car.

Yes I know, if you live outside a city you may need it. For me the choice was simple. When I was living outside a city I couldn't afford a car, and when I could afford it I lived close to or in the city, I didn't need one.

Plus, that I'm proud to say, it helps the environment. Yes I know, I used to travel a lot, preferrably by aeroplanes, but I've grown up and am now very conscious about being "green". Not to the extent that I'll be voting that way, but still. I like to think I'm helping the future generations. Not that they would care. Well, at least not until they've older and wise like me :).


Anonymous said...

ah yep, a car is a total money blackhole, especially here. But do most people really have a loan to buy a car? I find the whole concept of that so strange, but you're probably right, these days everyone seems to buy everything on credit.

But not having one is not really an option for people in a lot of places.


Witchbitch said...

I know, but with better planning there should be more people in each car. Very often you see just one.