Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Today I was out walking a dog. A dog I know, and she knows me, but she still loves her owner more than me. Fair enough. So we had a bit of a whining session at first, but then it went ok. She followed me, looking over her shoulder now and then, thinking her owner had disowned her. And no, he hadn't, he was just seeing a doctor about a thing.

That thing meant that he hadn't eaten since yesterday evening, so had to hurry home after and make pizza. Found a new paste in Denner, which contains no E-numbers and only 1% sugar. Spicy. Yummy! Better than fresh tomatoes that wet the dough and makes it soggy.

So we enjoyed homemade pizza, some wine and the dog got some treats. All is well that ends well.

And yes, I would be really irritated if my cats took to somebody else more than to me.

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