Thursday, August 14, 2014

Coordination and skill

You know, I'm still on a bit of a high since my riding experience today, and I cannot help about thinking how coordinated one must be.

I know, when you see horse-riding on television it all looks so easy, but trust me, it isn't.

First you have to focus on sitting right. Straight up and heels down. Hands in contact with the mouth of the horse. When trotting, you can either sit down leaning back a bit (depends a lot on the horse if your inner organs are getting reorganized or not) or doing the up-down bum movement, which I thought was an easy thing to do, but according to the teacher had to be up when the outer leg of the horse was going forward, and not vice versa.

How you sit and how you press your legs and feet against the side of the horse is crucial for how the horse is moving. If you think you steer a horse with the reins only, you are sorely mistaken.

An easy thing like going in a ring steering the horse, takes coordination and skill. And horses are flock animals. There were two others today sharing the area, and mine wanted to join the others so I really had to work hard to make him do what I wanted.

But I did enjoy galloping. However, today I could only do it slowly. I look forward to the time when I can really get going fast over a field or a beach or something. And the best thing of all is jumping.

Dreaming a bit I guess, think it might take a few more lessons before I'm there again.

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