Sunday, August 10, 2014

Busy weekend

Yesterday I was at a barbecue, only with women mind you, so it was nice to see not a man, but several women taking care of the grill. Mind you, I think in most households it's still the women cooking but when it comes to grilling, guess what? Yes, it's usually a man standing there turning the fillets.

But yesterday it was different and guess what? It wasn't only pork or chicken, it was beef, it was lamb, it was ostrich and something else I cannot remember. I chose ostrich, 'cause last time I had it it was undercooked and not very tasty (when I complained they told me, this is how it's supposed to be served), but yesterday, hey! It was absolutely delish. Juicy and lean, a bit like me actually :).

Potatoe gratin, roasted zucchinis, mozzarella/tomato mix and a salad, and to top it all off in the end, I had a double portion of Toblerone mousse. Jeez! Even if I have to do double sessions of exercise the next few days, it was certainly worth it.


Anonymous said...

glad you girls ha da good time!


Witchbitch said...

Yes, I dunno why you can't plan your vacation better :).