Friday, August 08, 2014

Orange just orange

You know what I was thinking? Remember when I had to buy a new cover for my boat, and the selection of colours was very limited. It was blue, "white" and green basically. And if I wanted purple I had to buy like 5,000 meters or something.

The same goes for life jackets. Orange. That's the choice. Unless you wanna splash out and buy black ones that only releases air when it hits water. Or somethine like it. And they cost a fortune.

I'm thinking neon colours. I'm thinking pink, green, yellow, really bright neon colours. Why wouldn't that work as well as the bloody ugly orange?


Anonymous said...

well hopefully no one will ever have to wear one of yours so it won't matter, and I'm thinking if you did have to I don't think the colour would be much on your mind.


Witchbitch said...

Good point, but still. Why is there no fashion in life jackets?