Friday, August 08, 2014

Lake police

So today it was time to get my boat checked on and hopefully approved for another three years.

I was not exactly nervous, but tense and woke up before the alarm at 5.20 this morning. Took a friend with me for moral support. Early in the morning we cruised out on the lake, and it was absolutely beautiful weather, sunny and warm.

Unlike other times the police guy was quite friendly, but I was still tense, 'cause they are very meticulous and when he asked me to show him my lifejackets, I pointed to the floating cushions I have as a substitute. "No", he said, quite agitated, "that changed years ago, now you need lifejackets". What? Was I supposed to know that? Told him that three years ago they didn't have a problem with it.

I then asked how many I needed. I am allowed to have six people in the boat, did I need to buy six? "No", he responded, "if you are two people in the boat you need two jackets, if you are ten people in the boat you need ten jackets, but then you'd have four too many". Lake police sense of humour.

So I was told I had to get straight back to my anchor place, and that I couldn't go on the lake before I had bought those jackets.

I only cheated a bit, went to the shipyard which did the service on the boat a few weeks ago to pick up a fender I lost there, and since they had given away mine, I got a new one. A better one!

Anyway, the lake police also remarked on the cover on my boat, which I fold on the top when I cruise. Not good I was informed, since the front lamp (which I've never used, since I'm always only out in sunshine) needs to be the highest point on the boat. You judge by looking at the pic. It's that little thingie in front on the roof.
So today I placed an order for four life jackets. Never f... with the lake police is my motto!

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