Wednesday, August 06, 2014

I'm irritated

For ten days I weighed exactly the same in the morning (exactly the same kilos point one decimal!), which irritated me a bit. Here I try to live really healthy, and eat less, and I don't feel I get rewarded.

This morning (mind you really early) I all of a sudden weighed 600 grams more than yesterday, despite eating less! What's the friggin point?

Mind you, I've been peeing more than normal today so maybe I just had more water in my body, but why is that?

Then I saw in the paper that if you do exercise every day the body quickly adapts and gets used to it, so you have to change the way you exercise. Ah, gimme a friggin break! I did 25 minutes this morning, then walked for like 1.5 hours and if I see the same high number on the scale tomorrow morning I'm gonna...grrr...punish somebody or something.

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