Saturday, February 15, 2014

99 and still going

This working around older people is good for me. Today I got a compliment "you are looking very sporty today!". I didn't know how 'appearence can be deceiving' is said in German, so I just smiled and thanked them. Think it might have something to do with me wearing a sleeveless shirt, only because it's a sauna-like temperature in there.

I dunno how many times the oldies ask "aren't you freezing?", while I am scurrying around serving and sweating at the same time. Ok I shouldn't exaggerate, it's not exactly a stressy environment, but still. It is bloody hot.

But I'm still enjoying it, and I am always astounded over how well some of them are coping, being close to 100 years old! Imagine that, being retired like 35 years and still alive. Amazing!

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