Wednesday, February 19, 2014

For my age

Was hanging with my neighbour today including two kids. Omg, the noise level in something I'm not used to. So on and off I took a break to go on the terrace for a smoke. Only to be confronted with the noise from the construction workers on the street outside. Are they never gonna finish?

First one company comes, digs the street up for weeks on end, fixes something like electricity. Once they are done, street is filled and asphalted again, only to be dug up a few weeks later by the telephone company. Then there is electricity and after that it's water. These companies are never talking to each other, coordinating their work.

And we, the citizens (well, also us that are not Swiss, just live here) are paying the price in more way than one.

Anyway, my day got saved by my neighbour, who exclaimed "you've lost weight!" as soon as she saw me. Good feeling. Not quite as good when she later added "you look great for your age". But I guess, at my age :), you have to be grateful for any sort of compliment.


Anonymous said...

ah, the Swiss do love to dig up streets, but you never see potholes.

age, schmage, you look great fullstop.


Witchbitch said...

I love flattery :).