Monday, January 18, 2010

Old people

Today I phoned up a friend who had birthday last week, and who I forgot. Unforgivable, especially since he turned 98. You know, with that age you cannot be sure that they are still alive. Fortunately my friend was. He had a stroke last spring, and he fell recently so he's now walking around with an aid. His brain is functioning though, probably sometimes better than mine. He may speak a bit slower than he used to, but nothing wrong with his wits. We were among other things talking about my new flat (it's funny how I manage to bring it into each conversation I have!) and he was telling me that he moved into his apartment 1944. Jeez! Gives perspective to things, doesn't it? This year it'll be 66 years in the same flat. Told him that I will never beat his record. He laughed. And I think when a person who is 98 can laugh, it is still some life in him. He's fabulous. So in the spirit I today booked a flight. I am leaving the country! I am leaving Zürich that I love so much. But only for a few days in the end of March, beginning of April. And only because my aunt is turning 80! That is also a very respectable age, worth celebrating. She made me promise not to bring any presents..."perhaps only a dutyfree whisky". Which was very surprising, since I have never ever seen her drink more than like a small glass of sherry on very special occasions. You betcha aunt, a big whisky you shall have!

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