Tuesday, January 05, 2010


New year, new intentions. I have given away all the fatty chocolate, and yesterday I was really good. Only eating healthy stuff (ok, maybe except the fries at lunch...but a good start). Today I googled some recipes on LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) and I must admit they sound delicious. Only one cannot eat a lot of carbs like in bread, pasta and stuff. And not chips. But on the other hand real butter, cream and fatty stuff is allowed. Let's see what this does to my gorgeous body, now slightly hidden in flab. I have a feeling eating real stuff instead of all these light products is healthier. Just remember what people looked like back in the 60's before all these unnatural food entered our supermarkets! Tonights dinner will be homemade hamburgers made of ground meat, real cream, egg yolks, salt, pepper, parsley and butter. That together with some leftover salad. Yummie!


Anonymous said...

hmm, I get the low carb bit but not sure about the high fat part. Sounds just like every other fad diet to me. but liek the eating real food part. All this processed, packaged, fat reduced food that people eat these days is gross. I just dont see the point of eating 'light' butter or cheese or reduced fat milk - it tastes like nothing

Witchbitch said...

I'm not sure either I can stick to all this fat, I am not organized enough to make sure I cook after a recipe every day. However, the burgers were fab! Except I changed the recipe slightly, since I didn't know what to do with the egg whites, so used the whole egg. Is there a lot of carb in egg whites?

Anonymous said...

I dont think so, egg whites are supposed to be the healthy part, its the egg yolk that has all the fat and cholesterol that makes people say you shouldnt eat them too much, but I say Phooey!

Witchbitch said...

Well, we had the leftover burgers tonight and they were still tasty. Neighbours loved them, which is good because this is what I will serve at the next dinner party!