Thursday, August 06, 2009


Today I made a spectacle of myself. I fainted and puked all over my computer bag, my nice 7-rand bag from South Africa, my handbag and all over myself. And this without even knowing it, since I was unconscious for a few seconds! I think actually a few people noticed. This is how it went. It's hot in Zürich, and in the late afternoon I was at the blood donor center, having them tap me of 500 ml of the finest blood. Since it was hot I had a glass of apple juice and a Toblerone piece. Low blood sugar and dehydration is no good before giving blood. After I went to see a friend at Bauschänzli, and while waiting I had about 1 dl of white wine and when friend arrived some bubbly water. All of a sudden I felt no good. Very sudden in fact. So I leaned over putting my head down and after feeling bad for a few minutes I passed out. Waking up in my own vomit. Charming! After throwing up oceans 3 times, and having got the rest of the liquid out of my body the other way a couple of times I felt it would perhaps be nice to go home. Especially since my trousers were full of vomit. First taxi refused to take me, even though I told him there would be no more vomiting. Second guy was really nice, drove me to the door, opened it for me, waited until I was in the house. He probably never had so much tips. Have only fainted once in my life before beginning of the 80's due to being too skinny (those were the days!) and low blood sugar. Feel a bit weak now, but much much better. Doubt it is food-poisoning since I have vivid memories of how that felt and how long I was feeling bad then. Probably just a combination of heat, stress, too little to drink even though I thought I had enough and the blood donation. I have to think about whether I should go back to Bauschänzli anytime soon...


John said...

sorry to hear about this episode.

I agree..probably was the heat, and the low blood volume..and then the alcohol from the wine didn't help.

Rest tonight..drink lots of water..and eat light...some plain pasta..or tea and toast.

you'll be back at Baushcahzli soon..people probably throw up there all the time! ;)

John in N.J.

Witchbitch said...

They probably do, but perhaps not all over themselves! Anyway, feel much better this morning, had something to eat last night and slept like a log. And soon it's weekend and street parade!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you're feeling better :-)

Witchbitch said...

I am thanks.