Saturday, August 01, 2009

1st of August - Swiss national day

So it's 1st of August. Unfortunately it falls on a Saturday this year, but that will not stop ze Swiss from celebrating. Nor me. Any chance to celebrate anything is a good thing. I am not (yet) a Swiss by passport, but I have come to love'm. So rigid, so prudent, so follow-ze-rules and yet in their own way relaxed if not flexible. No, flexible is not a word I would put in the same sentence as Swiss. Change is bad according to people here. Ze Swiss say things like "well it worked for the last 100 years, why change?". Why indeed. But with the world around them, and needing the business, they are forced to. It's sweet to watch them try to adapt. Guess it's a love-dislike-kinda-relationship. But I have decided that this is my last stop, so I better adapt. Ze Swiss will never!

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