Thursday, August 27, 2009

Swiss sense of humor

Always thought that a Swiss sense of humor is a bit of an oxymoron, but today 'Blick am Abend' was really funny. The background is that the police in Geneva arrested Gadaffis son (the Libyan guy) some time ago. This led to a diplomatic incident and a top Swiss politician has now been forced to apologize which in turn has led to that some people think he should resign. Ze Swiss were not happy having to apologize to a dictator, which is not very surprising. So 'Blick am Abend' on their front page had the world revolution "führer" as they named him against "BundesratNötzli" (not sure what Nötzli is) with Gadaffi making the V-sign and the Swiss politician looking something up in a big pile of paper holding a phone to his ear. Then they rated them on seven different criterias. Power, style, business, entertainment, travel, army and mother nature and guess what? Gadaffi scored 100 coolness-factor points. But despite having boring Swiss politicians I rather stay in Switzerland than live i Libya!!

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