Saturday, August 22, 2009

Finger faint

I was lying when I said that I only fainted twice in my life. I had forgotten the finger thing. About a lifetime ago I was out dancing. In those days I danced 3-4 times a week. It was always fun. Back then we were seldom drinking alcohol, but this particular night we were. Think it was Easter. My dance partner and I were really rockin' and I was twirling when he failed to catch my hand. I fell, but immediately got up, dusted myself off and was ready to rock again when I saw my finger. My little finger was from the middle pointing 90° away from the rest of the finger. I took one look and gracefully (?) fainted. A friend drove me to the hospital. It didn't hurt, it just looked funny. Perhaps I was a little in shock. The doctor said "you don't need anaesthetic" (he probably smelled my breath) and promptly snapped my finger straight again. With my finger duly plastered I was back on the dance floor in time for the last dance.

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