Sunday, August 23, 2009

Doing the dishes

Had dinner with a friend tonight. He's moved into a new place that I hadn't seen. It was nice, but it didn't have a dishwasher. So after dinner I placed myself strategically in the balcony doorway watching him do the dishes.
He might be German by birth, but he certainly behaves like a Dutch. The Dutch wash the dishes without rinsing them. I am glad I only knew this after dinner. So first the plate in a sink full of dishwasher liquid, foaming, moving it around with a brush. Then straight into the IKEA-rack to dry.
I can only hope the dishwasher liquid holds something good like resistance against swine flu or something!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Annika,

I´m Marisa and currently work in a magazine. For the October issue, I intend to write an article about 10 World´s Most Expensive Cities to Live, and Zürich is on the list (rank 6th). I want to give our readers a clue about the cost of living in your city. Therefore, I really need your help to answer some questions. Can you please help me? You can confirm it directly to my email

Oh, because of tight deadline, can you give the response as soon as possible? Your help will be much appreciated. I´ll be waiting for the good news :p