Monday, August 03, 2009


Have a friend who had a hot date recently. Nice Italian bloke, super-handsome, good body and the vibes were right. When they finally got to it, it turned out he was a terrible kisser. Wet, slobbery fountain-like. A classic deal-breaker. If you don't know how to kiss it is very probable you suck in bed. Pun intended.


John said...

Yes! you suck in bed..and not in the good way! ;)

John, N.J.

Witchbitch said...

Hey, you better not be referring to me :)!

John said...

LOL!! that was not meant for you at all! :)....I meant you in in ..if you (anyone)is a bad kisser you most certainly will suck in bed...and not in a good way! Lesson: don't comment on blogs while trying to work on litigation files!! xoxo


Witchbitch said...

I knew it! And without going into detail, I know that you do not know, and you know that I will never know, so we'll just leave it at that, shall we :)?