Friday, August 07, 2009

The aftermath

Walked around today with a faint smell of vomit around me (note how elegantly I word-joked there!) I realized it was no way in hell my handbag would ever be smell-free again, it didn't matter how much I scrubbed. A leather bag and all. Mind you, it was probably 5 years old so I had been thinking of getting a new. Good thing this kick-started me into shopping, the only way you get me doing it. So this morning I started out with an even older black belly-bag, you know one of these really tacky ones for travel? The only bag I had left after giving away clothes, bags and shoes the other month. It was too tacky even for me, so I passed by a shop and got myself a brand new leather bag. But when I was paying for it I noted a quite distinct puke-smell again. It had actually trickled all the way down in my wallet! Yikes! So now I need to get a new ditto too. The lovely South African bag I had to bin, since it wasn't washable. I better save a life with the blood I donated for all I went through!

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