Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hanging from the rafters

Literally this was happening this evening. After a long discussion with an English (well, Welsh actually, perhaps that's why) about what "hanging from the rafters" mean.
My interpretation apart from the obvious literally meaning is that you laugh your ass off, but his take on it was that you're pissed. But what does he know, being Welsh and all!
Anyway, he got to see a piece of Swiss culture tonight. And the place is about 700 years old!


Anonymous said...

hmm, I think you've both spent too much time in non-english speaking countries. This is not a saying with some other meaning than the literal as far as I know

Witchbitch said...

Well, he lives in England, but as I said, he's Welsh so what does he know?

Anonymous said...

They were Hanging from the rafters means the place was crowded beyond capacity.