Saturday, August 21, 2010


Got a very unexpected sms this evening asking me if I were home, because my friend had a lead on a cowskin including the head! This is what I've been wanting ever since I moved in!
So they came over and we had a discussion about what type of skin, how big a head, whether the horns should be included (of course!) and the colour. Black and white, what else? Do I want a tail (yes, but only a flat one). And I asked the "hunterman" not to tell me the name of the cow.
So this is the guy who will get me a cow!
The skin will go under the sofa table, with head facing the balcony.
So when the next potential thief will climb up to my balcony he will be faced with a big (actually we agreed on medium big) cow face, with a movement sensor screeming "MOOOOH!" at him.


Anonymous said...

'hunter' for cows, hmmm, don't think much hunting will be invovled.

somehow I just cant quite imagine what this will look like, wont it be wierd to have a big head getting in your way in the middle of the floor?

Witchbitch said...

It's not only the actual shooting, it's the preparation of the skin and head and whatsit.

Won't be in the middle of the floor. Will be facing the balcony door next to the fireplace.