Tuesday, June 28, 2011


'fraid we're back to the cats. Was talking to a friend today about how Americans are crazy. They buy all sorts of things for their pets, like toys, clothes and even luxury hotel rooms. Silly.

The funniest things for my cats are an empty toilet roll and a piece of paper tied to a string. They can play a long time with that.

And I bet they're happier than the cats in America.


Anonymous said...

Like this person I know who bought all this stuff for cats, even though she didnt have any cats ;)

Witchbitch said...

Haha, but a transportation box and a cat toilet are necessities from day 1. The cat tree might be a bit luxury, but they love it and it fits very well in my bedroom.

Anonymous said...

not where I come from! But we have gardens and pillow cases.

Witchbitch said...

You transport the little creatures in a pillow case??????