Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Was watching this show about cooking. Yes I know, I have become interested in cooking and home design, sad but true. But I am not ashamed, that's only for small people.

Anyway, was thinking there is something weird about vegetarians. As well as people who do not eat certain things (whiny voice: "I don't eat mushrooms, I don't eat meat with bones, I don't eat seafood, I don't eat this" and so on).

These people are spoiled I think. They have never experienced not having food at all.

Ok, so the reason might be not liking the way animals are treated, but do they wear leather shoes? Yes they do.

I can understand not liking certain food very much, but a varied diet is good for you. And a little of anything has never hurt anybody. Unless you're allergic and your throat swells up, then of course you're excused.

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