Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is having kids a right?

I'm reading a lot of news. Very often it is about people being poor. And the kids suffer. Of course! Kids cannot defend themselves, and they are in the often evil hands of the parents who chose to have them.

But why is having kids a right? My opinion is that if you cannot take care of your kids, you shouldn't have chosen to have them!

That goes for civilized countries and for "developing" countries. If you don't know how you gonna care for your kid, keep your legs closed. 'Cause you're not gonna get any empathy from me when it doesn't work out.

The kids do though. They cannot help they have stupid parents. And I dunno know if it's because news travel faster these days, or if people have gotter dumber. I fear the latter.


Anonymous said...

I'm also very weary of people who have kids when they can't afford it, or more kids than they can afford and then complain about how they're stuggling and expect government hand-outs. 'the poor working Mums and Dads' is all you ever hear about here.
but whether procreating is a right or not, its not like people can be stopped

Witchbitch said...

I know, but people should learn to control themselves.