Thursday, July 07, 2011

Kittens at home

Very relaxed with one hind leg on each side of the chair.

Taking a snack break, while making sure the mouse is not taken by the sister.

More fun to drink water out of my bathroom sink than in the kitchen where it's served in a bowl.


Anonymous said...

he he, so cute!

Witchbitch said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Anika, this is Stephanie Sheng....was cleaning my IE links the other day and I found a link to your blog buried I decided to check it out... especially after you mentioned you were getting cats @Paddys. The sisters are absolutely adorable!! and so happy to see they are bringing so much joy to your life.

Witchbitch said...

Hi Steph, yes they are really lovely and settling in well with me.

See you for a drink later this summer?