Thursday, July 21, 2011


It is said when you're a parent you love your kids equally. That probably has some truth to it, but I think you love children for different reasons. Not more, not less, but differently. Cause nobody is the same.

Zina for example, I love because she is daring, she tests me, she was also the one who took to me pretty quickly. She doesn't mind me picking her up petting her. And she's not worried. When I come home, she stays where she is, knowing it's me.

Zetti on the other hand took longer to win over. She doesn't like being picked up and petted, although she does really, but she doesn't want to admit it. I can appreciate that. But one thing I learned thru reading all these websites about kittens, is that if you pick up a reluctant kitten, make sure you set it down again when you choose to, and not because they fight. I did, and now what Zetti likes most is when I pet her on her belly. She rolls over every time. A sign of subordination. And she always comes to greet me at the door.

My darlings, and I love them both! Equally.

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