Friday, December 16, 2011

24 hours and no difference

Since a few weeks I use a "24 hours slow release correction cream" for my face. Not sure entirely what it's supposed to do, but I certainly haven't noticed any difference. Am I beyond repair?

Nah, just think it confirms my belief that these expensive creams are just a rip-off, riding on some peoples low self esteem, thinking an expensive cream is what they need to make their life better.

And no, I didn't buy it, it was a present for somebody who thought I needed it. Seemingly.


Anonymous said...

was that that sheep's placenta thing you wrote about way back? eek, the idea of rubbing placenta, esp some other animal's placenta, on my skin

Witchbitch said...

Haha, you have a very good memory! Yes, I have difficulties throwing something away, so started using it. The cream is not bad actually, nice and soft, and who knows what's in other types of cream anyway?