Thursday, December 08, 2011

Pfister pfucks up

Today I was planning on lots of pics of the bed in various positions, knees up, head up, down again and so on.

However, when the two installation guys were testing the engine underneath something exploded and a large piece of plastic flew away. Not a very reassuring start, and apparently something they had never seen before. Neither have I, I can honestly say.

You'd think when buying by far the most expensive piece of furniture I ever had, that the supplier would deliver quality material.

Now I cannot use the engine, and have to wait for it to be replaced. Darn!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, as if you haven't been waiting for this for long enough! Just goes to show the idea that you get what you pay for ain't often so.

Witchbitch said...

I was very disappointed I must admit. Expect to hear back from them soon, and offer me something to make up for their shortcomings.