Saturday, December 10, 2011

View this evening

Not entirely sure what the KKK is doing in Switzerland...


Anonymous said...

hmmm, that could be anything in that pic. I'm assuming you took it after another attempt at combining pain killers and wine ;)

Witchbitch said...

Haha, you'd think so but it was taken early in the evening. It was Santa Claus and people clad in white with what looked like some bishops hat parading up the street. Have no idea why.

Anonymous said...

and you wanna become Swiss! how long have you been there and you can't recognise Samiclaus and his Schmutzlis? tut tut ;). Does seem like they are a few days late though which doesn't seem very Swiss.

Witchbitch said...

Hmmm. Probably because it's for kids! And Swiss timing is a myth!