Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap day

I have a friend who is really oldfashioned. Apparently on the 29th of February, which only happens every 4th year, a woman can propose to a man, and he asked me if I planned to.


First of all, I don't see the point of marrying at all. For me who is not religious, I don't understand the concept. To have a piece of paper to show others that you belong with somebody? I think it's really weak if you are not strong enough to stand up for yourself, and care what others think.

Second, most western countries have laws that give children the same rights as when you're not married. Ok, having children is another issue and not one that interests me anyway.

Third, if you want to be part of a relationship it's a good thing. Just as it is if you do not.

And to say that women can only propose if it's leap day, well, that's just oldfashioned and plainly stupid! I wonder if friend would prefer to see me in a burka?


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately many western countries do not have the same rights for couples who are not married than those who are - here we do, but Switzerland is pretty bad. although there are tax advantages to not being married in CH ;)

Witchbitch said...

Thanks for proving my point :).

R said...

Wow, your old-fashioned friend must have touch a sore spot with his joke, given the outburst on the concept of marriage. Chacun a son goût. Thank God!:)

Witchbitch said...

Thanks for your input, old-fashioned friend :).