Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Pi guy

Had pi guy over for dinner tonight, he has a teenager son with 7 hormones apparently. Not sure how many decimals though.

And he has betrayed us cat people. By getting a dog! Ok, so the dog is cute, black and white, but it ain't a cat. And he spoke more about the dog than the cat tonight. Hmmm.

But Zetti accepted his touch, perhaps because she couldn't get away, but still. He ain't a bad guy. Even though he has turned into an evil dog person.


Anonymous said...

so is he a mathematician or something?

I never got this cat people dog people thing. Growing up we always had both, although weirdly now both my Mum and my sister now claim not to like cats. I can't really see whats not to like about one or the other, or how someone can really like one and say they hate the other. I mean they're not that different, they're both cute fluffy affectionate animals

Witchbitch said...

He's a guy who likes numbers. With decimals. I used to work with him, and appreciated his attention to detail. Really.

The thing is cats are independent. You are lucky to live with them. They set the agenda, and train you into doing their bidding. When they want it. They are affectionate, sure. But only when they choose to.

Dogs are just stupid. They pant and are happy to just see anybody. Plus they need walking a lot.

Generalizing you can say a dog is a man, a cat is a woman.