Thursday, June 14, 2012

No Swiss

Well, it's not gonna be a party celebrating me becoming Swiss. At least not in the next 5 years!

Went to the Stadthaus today to inquire whether it was possible to apply for a passport after 10 years in Switzerland, but no, it's 12 years with no exceptions. Too bad, I even had a skirt on and wore my best smile.

Then there are a number of requirements, of which I fulfil most, like you must have been in Switzerland the whole time, whereof six years in Zürich, you have to speak decent German, have no criminal record and not have used the social security provided by the city. Where I might run into problems is that I need to understand Swiss German, but as it seems, I have plenty of time to do that.

In September 2014 I have been here exactly 12 years, and I cannot apply before that. Then there is a waiting time for 2-3 years for processing the application!!! I have no idea why it has to take that long.

The cost is 1,200 francs if you're over 25 years of age, so it's too bad I'm just over that limit :).


Anonymous said...

2-3 years to process!! so much for Swiss efficiency.

Witchbitch said...

Indeed, seems to be a myth or maybe they just want people to tire of it and leave :).