Thursday, July 05, 2012


So finally I picked myself up and went to town, with the aim of shopping. I cannot stress how much I hate it. Wanted to find some shorts that doesn't end at the crotch. Guess what? There aren't any. I figured at my age I shouldn't show off my, albeit nice, legs that much, but turns out I don't have a choice.

Another thing is when looking for clothes most sizes are 34 or 36. Looking around in the shop, very few people have that tiny size, which I assume means bigger sizes are sold out, so even though it looks like there is plenty of clothes, there are very few items that fit me.

In the end I got a pair of pants, crotch-shorts, a dress (!) and a top for 3 francs. Not all for 3 francs, but the top. Figure I could always sleep in it.

Then I went to do something much more fun. Shop for stuff for the apartment. Don't particularly need anything, but always on the lookout for things on sale.

Am proud to say I found two nice hand towels for 6 francs together, and my biggest catch today, a blanket. Blanket (purple, what else?) was set down from 55 to 39 francs, and I was hesitating whether to buy or not. Decided to in the end, and when at the cashier desk was informed it was only 10 francs, not 39! Excellent.

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