Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Let me be clear about my standpoint re tattoos. White trash and nothing else, is how I look at it. If you want to decorate your body, use paint or something that goes away. I find it cheap and ugly with people who want to mutilate their bodies. Period.

For example, one of my aunts has tattooed her kids names on her breasts (!) but she doesn't speak to her daughter anymore. How false is that?

Now, a friend of mine told me recently that he is planning to make a tattoo. Consisting of three letters. One to symbolize his year in the US of A, one to mark the importance of his "coming out" and the last one to illustrate his time in Zürich. To him, three important steps in his life. And fine, I can understand the need to document these things, but not on his body!

It's a nice body, and I don't understand why he wants to carve in it? I would've made a picture, framed it, put on the wall, or similar in order to remind me of important steps in my life. I would never, ever mutilate myself (ok, that thingie cutting out a presumtive pipe from my hand doesn't count, it was self-healing, which worked!). This is equivalent to people who make "beauty-enhancing" operations, ending up with duck lips and breasts that don't lie down when you do.



Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more. Even though it seems to be the mainstream thought that tattoos are cool again and even classy and sophisticated, I'm not buying it. There are the exceptional few that have cool tattoos and that suit them but the vast majority (especially those who try and make them full of meaning - what a wank!) are just cheap and nasty

Witchbitch said...

Nice that we agree on something :).