Friday, August 24, 2012


If only people would understand what feminism is. It's not changing who we are, and it's certainly not changing the words "her" and "him" to "hem" or "hir".

Feminism is to say that 50% of the population are worth just as much as the other 50%. Paying the same amount of money for same type of job. And for those of you who choose to have a family, share the burden. Stay home the same amount of time with the nappy changing, do the dishes, cleaning and cooking.

Mind you, it doesn't mean that both have to do exactly the same thing in 50% shares, but share. Do what you are good at, let the other person do the other part.

I just get so irritated when we still in the year of 2012 see movies and series that portraits women as little silly ones who need to be taken care of. Fuck off I say!

Haha, probably why I'm still single :).

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