Thursday, August 30, 2012

Life experience

Until you have experienced something, you don't know how you will react.

I was talking to my neighbours the other day. They have a summer house in France, and while there the last time, they woke up at 7 in the morning hearing a noise. Getting up they found three masked men in their living room, masked so that you could only see their eyes.

My neighbours asked what they were doing there, saying they would call the police. The masked men didn't move. Eventuelly my neighbour shouted for help, then the masked men demolished a window before leaving.

In hindsight, I don't know how they had the courage to act like they did.

But it got me thinking of when I was robbed in Naples. I was walking, quite innocently, along a road, when a young guy ran up to me, and tried to grab my bag. It was a sturdy bag, and I had some money and a credit card in it.

I reacted with fighting back. Thinking back on it, I probably wouldn't now, but back then I didn't think. I just thought that my stuff is my stuff, and don't anybody try to grab it.

I was dragged down some stairs, lost my sun glasses, a shoe, my knees were scratched and so were my elbows, before I recovered my breath and screamed for help. An Italian mama heard and came to my rescue.

It ended up with me having about 20 people around me, going "oh dear", then walking me (slowly) to the hospital about 5 min away.

I was then taken care of, I remember the docs being taken with the "young blonde". And yes, in those days I was goodlooking! They patched me up, and eventually I was driven back by the police to the bus station to get back to where I came from.

Also spent some time with the police, telling them exactly where it happened and what has happened.

In hindsight, I realize being Napoli they were probably all related and nobody would ever be charged with the petty crime.

Anyway, I got away with a few scratches and bruises, and trust me, I will never visit Napoli again.

And this happened long before Roberto Saviano published his book!


Anonymous said...

oh my, how scary!!
Naples doesn't seem to be one of the safest places, but then again I guess people get mugged everywhere

Witchbitch said...

Never in Zürich :) !!