Monday, September 24, 2012

Horror experience

A person close to me had a horrifying experience the other day. He had bought a brand new fancy car, and was just parking outside his house, together with his son.

He was then approached by two men, asking for the keys. Seemingly this car cannot be broken into, thus the need of the keys. He reacted just like I did, when I was robbed in Napoli, he fought back. The only thing he had was a shopping bag, which he banged into one of the guys.

But after that a knife came out, and the son told him to give away the keys. After a struggle, he ended up in a bush full of thorns. And the guys disappeared with the car.

It was found a couple of days later by the police, with German number plates (was an Audi)!

Interesting, I would've expected Balticum or Eastern Europe to be involved in a scam like that, but not Germany. But I guess the German number plates (on a German car) gives it credibility. Pretty sure Balticum or Eastern Europe was involved after all.

My friend is fine btw, but shaken by the whole story of course. And he already moved.


Anonymous said...

eek!! how scary. I never really thought about this before but apparently its quite common with luxury cars across the EU since Schengen.
Was kinda laughing at your 'must be the Eastern Europeans' comment, but actually I suspect you're right.

Witchbitch said...

Lots of luxury cars right here in Switzerland, does it happen here too?