Monday, September 03, 2012

Lung capacity

Saw a program on telly about cystic fibroses and lung capacity. Reminded me of Norway.

When I was living there, we signed a contract with a medical clinic, and all the staff were to go through an examination, measuring lung capacity among other things. Eventually coming up with a number, taking lots of things into consideration like age, smoking, the capacity to blow into a thingie.

I came up at 90 or something, cannot remember exactly. A colleague, younger, sporty, came up with 70, and she was really irritated with me. "You do nothing but smoke, and hang out in bars at night!". Haha.

Proves my point. Have fun, and you won't get sick.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of my irritation with people like my sister (and you for that matter) who spend all summer out in the sun without hats or sunscreen and probably I'll be the one who gets skin cancer

Witchbitch said...

Life isn't fair.