Thursday, September 06, 2012

My old bank

Eons ago I had a bank relationship. These were the days when I knew the bank manager personally, especially after he mended a shelf for me at a party, and he knew me and my character. And yes R, you were there too :).

He lent me money to buy my first apartment. I had no savings at the time, but was a potential, so got a credit and with the good will from my parents, I bought a one room apartment of 46 m2.

He was a good judge of character, and I paid the bank back in seven years.

Ever since then, when I negotiated no charge for the credit, which I only once used in the last 25 years, I haven't heard from my bank. Oh and incidentally, the bank office I used was closed many years ago, and the only contact I had was via internet.

Until last week, when I got a letter (a paper one!) from a person I never heard of, saying that they will now charge me for the credit (even if I don't use it).

So I made the decision of closing down the credit (and closing down the bank relationship), as soon as I receive the last payment.

Funny that, loyalty doesn't mean a thing anymore in business. Unless they can charge you, don't bother being a loyal customer!

But no worries, I've learned my lesson. I am now a very unloyal customer of any business. Just like you want it.

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