Saturday, December 29, 2012

An interesting weekend

It's been an interesting weekend. First an old friend called, complaining he couldn't hum-hum his new girlfriend, and had to use pills. "I was walking around with a hard-on for 10 hours" he whined. "I was bumping into radiators and things". Haha, I responded, since I know him intimately. Or at least I did, but I don't think the schlong grows with age.

Then I had some new acquaintances over, and learned that the guy is a sports maniac. He thrives on off-pist skiing. When I warned him about avalanches, he showed me on his (modern) iphone the gear he uses. One of the things was what looked like an airbag. Now, I'm not an expert but what is an airbag gonna do against an avalanche? Nevertheless, he assured me there was plenty of time before an avalanche would hit, and he would kinda float to the surface of the snow. Hmmm. Good luck to him. Sounds to me like swimming towards a tsunami.

And then there was this busy woman. She doesn't have time to iron. But she does have time to download illegal movies. I suggested that she might choose not to have time to iron, and she eventually agreed. But countered with that she irons when watching illegally downloaded movies. Hmmm.

Never boring in this house!


Anonymous said...

I dont know how anyone has time to iron, such a boring waste of time!

Witchbitch said...

Well, some clothes do require ironing unless you want to have the shabby-chic homeless look.