Sunday, December 02, 2012

Christmas presents no

When you have reached the respectable age than I have, you realize you have everything you need. Unless explicitly stated, I do not want presents anymore. Nor do I want "events", no massage sessions, no tickets to anything, no type of cultural experiences. Seen it, done it, been there and didn't buy the t-shirt.

Unless they are consumables of course, preferrably liquid :).

But seriously, I hate it when I receive something that I do not like, and have to smile and appear to be grateful. Not that I'm not, but it's just gonna be another dust collector. And my cupboards are pretty full already.

I have bought one present this year, and that's for the wee one. A book. Educational, since that baby already has enough toys and clothes for an army of kids.

But liquids, serviettes, candles and the likes, they are welcome for people who cannot help themselves and feel the need to buy something.

Unless you wanna buy me a sofa of course...


Anonymous said... dear, unfortunately I got your first message of "no present" when I already had made your pressie. But I had been warned several times and will take no offense whatsoever if you tell me you do not like it, I will take it back and put it on the donation box. Steph

Witchbitch said...

Is it a purple leather sofa?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha Dear,can you really picture me building a sofa? nope, a lot smaller and lighter.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. We've had a no presents policy for quite a while now (though guess that changes with the baby). I always feel bad when I look at presents people have spent their money and time on for me but that I just don't like 'cos taste is so personal so they just take up space in a drawer or cupboard.

Witchbitch said...

Nice that we agree on something :).

Olzer said...

To be honest.....taking presents and christmas in this context.....I have said to my family once....and must do so again....that we should just simply forget the present buying....and focus on what christmas is meant to be about....being with your loved ones. For all other occasions, a lot of my family and friends have adopted the policy of simply asking what the other that we end up not getting an unwanted gift :-). Yep....the older I get....the less important presents are to more....and more important is the gift of someone being my friend, being there when the chips are down etc.....that is such a gift to me....

Witchbitch said...

Friends rock.