Sunday, December 16, 2012

How often?

How often do people wash their sheets I wonder. When I was little my Mum used to change the under-sheet every second week and the covering sheet every month. Those were the days when washing was a bit more difficult, and all sheets were mangled.

Nowadays I wash my sheets every second week. Does that make me dirty? Do people wash them more often? Is once a week more appropriate?

Mind you, I don't think my sheets get very dirty, it's more about cat hair these days. And every time I make my bed I have two little "helpers". They love it! Ducking under the sheet, preventing me from doing the bed, yes, they are really "helping".

But seriously, how often is common?


Anonymous said...

I usually change ours once a fornight too. but I don't let any pets sleep in my bed - ick! (although I guess I do let a baby who may puke or have a leaky nappy). What I find wierd here is I often see people hanging their (preumsably unwashed) bed covers out the window - don't they get more dirty from the window sill and the outside house wall?

Witchbitch said...

Yes, I've seen that too and wondered why.

I'll take cat hair over vomit and shit anyday!