Thursday, February 28, 2013


Am watching this consumer tv program again, and this time it's about all the extra charges put on top of ads. Like if you want to escape the winter and travel south, the ad might say "experience exotic Africa, from 500 francs" or the likes. Nothing to say how many tickets are available, or the charges added before the final price is set.

Reminds me when I bought the Dyson. It was a basic price, an admin price (all ok there) and then there was an optional charge of 4 francs for "transportation insurance". I'm not saying 4 francs is a lot, but it made me wonder. Doesn't the company have a responsibility of delivering a shipshape product to me? Do I have to pay if they don't? But of course I caved in and ticked the box. I mean, what if I would be getting a faulty product and I hadn't paid the 4 francs?

Nah, I think they fooled me. And 4 francs times a lot of customers eventually becomes a lot of money. And I don't like the feeling of being fooled.

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