Friday, March 01, 2013

Spain in the old days

Continuing on this consumer business, the program went on to talk about education, training and courses. And how nowadays people are cheated, paying loads of money and getting nothing in return.

Made me remember a course in Arguineguin many moons ago. Fantastic course. In those days it was cheaper to send employees abroad than to go to a course locally. A whole week in the sun. Classes in the morning, well morning and morning, 9-12 if I remember. Then lunch and a leisurely afternoon in the sun, following more classes from 17-20.

Then dinner and partying all night long. I seem to remember ties tied around foreheads, people looking pink from all the sun and dancing until dawn.

But don't get me wrong, I think I learned a lot there, formed relationships (ah ok, that guy was maybe a mistake, he kept on sending me letters), but most importantly, I learned I was good. This was in the early days of my career, and I wasn't sure of my abilities. This trip taught me I knew more than I realized.

Never had a lack of confidence since.


Anonymous said...

sounds like a great course!
The whole education racket these days makes me so sad. People in supposed 'civilised' western countries taking advantage of people comparatively worse off in poorer countries, selling them bullshit 'qualifications' for way way too much money

Witchbitch said...

A new one for me. Do you have an example?