Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fit as a fiddle

Today I woke up and felt almost back to normal again. Have used 8 painkillers out of the box I got last Sunday, 2 left. But just in case I got another 10 from the pharmacy today, so now I am prepared should it happen again.

It's a great feeling to be able to move around without having constant pain. Not saying I'm not feeling it anymore, but it's far from the stab of pains I had by just getting out of bed.

And it makes you really tired being in pain all the time. I slept as soon as I could find a semi-comfortable position.

But nevermind that now, it's bygones. Now I am back in force!

Just goes to prove, who needs doctors? They charge you an arm and a leg, send you for more expensive tests and you end up getting healed without their help. Guess I'm a bit disillusioned from having worked with them for four years.


Anonymous said...

I've never worked with any doctors but equally disillusioned

Witchbitch said...

I plan on staying healthy now, fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Just visited your blog and glad to,hear you are on the mend. Steph xx

Witchbitch said...

Yup, not a 100% just yet, but soon.