Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I seem to be into this nostalgia lately, where I see something on telly or hear something and it makes me remember my youth. Oh dear, does that mean I'm getting old? Yes, but never mind.

Anyway, this time I remembered a party. I must've been around 15 and we were invited to a friends place, her parents were gone for the weekend. Not a good thing when you're in your teens, since the place ended up in shambles. People who were not invited came around, and it got out of hands.

I don't think I added to it, but it was crushed windowsills, vomit, and towels used as toilet paper. Not a pretty sight at all.

I remember coming back the next day helping to clean up, and spent an hour just trying to get the guest toilet clean. But as I remember my friend didn't get reprimanded, either that, or she had really nice and forgiving parents.

I shall remember this when my niece gets into her teens. Borrowing my apartment? No way unless you have a death wish. Inviting me to participate in the party? Oh yes!

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